Introduction in The Book Of Heavy Metal
It was Spring 2004 and I was doing promotion for Dream Evil’s third full-length album ”bashfully” titled THE BOOK OF HEAVY METAL. I couldn’t help but to laugh out loud when the interviewer from the Sweden Rock Magazine asked if the lyrics to the title track were autobiographical and in fact based upon myself.
Err,.No, I said all baffled. ”What on earth makes you say anything like that?” I said. Then continued explaining how I had just made up some little bullshit story about a teenage diehard metalhead who simply didn’t give a shit about anything else besides Heavy Metal in any shape or form, and if it wasn’t metal it was of nointerest to him.
Worth mentioning is that Mr Wirén, besides being a rock journalist was also the singer in a band called Misery Loves Co and we had some mutual friends and had been hanging out. In fact he’d even been to a party in my Hellhaus Of Hising-Island (or Devil’s Island as it’s sometimes called in unpopular speech) so I guess you could say that he knew me a little. On the other hand, I’m like an open book so one doesn’t have to be Einstein to see what I’m all about as I normally make little effort if any to conceal my emotions and personality.
Anyway, we finished off our interview and I went on to do the next one and then yet another one in more ordinary fashion of Q/A. But for some reason I couldn’t shake off what Wirén had insinuated earlier that evening. Next day in the studio when I mentioned it to Fredman & Niklas of Dream Evil they just rolled their eyes and pretended to be yawning as if saying Wake the fuck up sleepyhead!
Their reaction made me even more puzzled and the more I thought about it I realized that none of them were actually that far off in their observations. I may have cringed a little with discomfort and embarrassment for this involuntary exposure, but I was busted and there was no use denying it – Of course that little punk was none other than me, myself and I. — Metaaaaaaal!!!